December 5
"Lasst uns froh und munter sein" is a traditional German Christmas song for kids, who anticipate Nikolausabend - or Nicholas Eve - when they place a shoe outside their door in hopes St. Nicholas will come and fill it with sweets that night. However, if they've been naughty, they can expect a tree branch instead! The song varies by region; we've included one set of lyrics below. Nicholas Eve is December 5th, so place your shoe out tonight!
This piece was performed by Sarah-Mary Gerchman, Greg's sister-in-law. Her cat, Casper, also makes an appearance at the very end. Sarah-Mary is a German major at Mount Holyoke College. She is very new at the piano, but hopes to one day have a big enough repertoire for an entire German Christmas sing-along.
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Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Performed by Sarah-Mary Gerchman on piano
Words and music: Traditional German carol
Lasst uns froh und munter sein
Und uns in dem Herzen freun!
Lustig, lustig, tralera-lera,
Bald ist Nikolausabend da!
Bald ist Nikolausabend da!
Bald ist uns're Schule aus
Dann zieh'n wir vergnügt nach Haus.
Dann stell ich den Teller auf,
Niklaus legt gewiß was drauf,
Wenn ich schlaf, dann träume ich:
Jetzt bringt Niklaus was für mich.
Wenn ich aufgestanden bin,
Lauf ich schnell zum Teller hin.
Niklaus ist ein guter Mann,
Dem man nicht g'nug danken kann.
Let us be happy and cheerful
And rejoice in our hearts!
Merry, merry, tra-la-ra-la-ra,
Soon Nicholas Eve will be here!
Soon Nicholas Eve will be here!
When at last the school day ends,
Home I'll go with all my friends.
Then I put the plate out
Nick'll surely put somethin' on it.
When I sleep then I dream:
Now Nicholas brings me something.
When I rise (in the morning)
I dash quickly to the plate.
Nicholas is a good man
Whom we can't thank enough.