Hark! 2011
December 9
Remember, O Thou Man
Performed by Greg Barlow on ukulele and voice
Words: Thomas Ravenscroft, 1611
Music: Melismata, 1611
This 16th century carol was printed by Ravenscroft in his work "Melismata: Musicall Phansies fitting the Court, Citie, and Country Humours" of 1611 under the title "A Christmas Caroll". A different version of this carol features prominently in "Under the Greenwood Tree" by Thomas Hardy. There are several additional verses, but the ones shown here are those printed in the Oxford Book of Carols.
Remember, O thou man,
O thou man, O thou man
Remember, O thou man,
Thy time is spent:
Remember, O thou man,
How thou cam'st to me then,
And I did what I can,
Therefore repent.
Remember God's goodness,
O thou man, O thou man,
Remember God's goodness
And promise made:
Remember God's goodness,
How his only Son he sent,
Our sins for to redress:
Be not afraid.
The angels all did sing,
O thou man, O thou man,
The angels all did sing,
On Sion hill:
the angels add did sing
Praises to our heavenly King,
And peace to man living,
With right good will.
To Bethlem did they go,
O thou man, O thou man,
To Bethlem did they go,
This thing to see:
To Bethlem did they go,
To see whether it was so,
Whether Christ was born or no
To set us free
In Bethlem was he born,
O thou man, O thou man,
In Bethlem was he born,
For mankind dear:
In Bethlem was he born
For us that were forlorn,
And therefore took no scorn,
Our sins to bear.
Give thanks to God always,
O thou man, O thou man,
Give thanks to God always,
With hearts most jolly:
Give thanks to God always
Upon this blessed day;
Let all men sing and say,
Holy, Holy.
Sources and more information
- Oxford Book of Carols, 1964.
- Hymns and Carols of Christmas
- Remembering The Old Songs