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December 3

Rejoice! Rejoice, Believers

Performed by Greg Barlow on two banjos and drum

Words: Laurentius Laurenti, 1700
Music: LLANGLOFFAN, Welsh folk melody

This is an Advent hymn that hasn't been included in Hark! before that I quite like. I got a "new" banjo this year that was built in the 1890's, which I used in the background on this recording. I'll be recording with it on several more songs this year.


Rejoice! Rejoice, believers,
And let your lights appear;
The evening is advancing
And darker nights are near.
The Bridegroom is arising
And soon He will draw nigh;
Up, watch with expectation
At midnight comes the cry.

See that your lamps are burning,
Replenish them with oil;
Look now for your salvation,
The end of sin and toil.
The marriage feast is waiting,
The gates wide open stand;
Arise, O heirs of glory,
The Bridegroom is at hand.

Our hope and expectation,
O Jesus, now appear;
Arise, Thou sun so longed for,
Above this shadowed sphere!
With hearts and hands uplifted,
We plead, O Lord, to see
The day of earth's redemption,
And every be with Thee!

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